Development Pages
Welcome developers. Before beginning technical subjects, it will be better to talk about Aestimo, its aim, its place among the other simulators.
Aestimo is aimed to be both educational and research tool. For educational purposes, it must be easy to understand. For research, it must have some point of computational correctness and sensitivity.
The aestimo code itself must be minimalist and easy to read. For example: We can use input files in two ways:
- With writing a huge parser, which parses input file line by line and make it usable
- Or make input file as python file, so you can only import to use.
So, our choice must be the latter one.
Before beginning to code, there some references that you may interested in:
- Paul Harrison, Quantum Wells Wires and Dots book. Our code is mostly built on Harrison’s code. Book’s all code is listed at here and the code itself can be found at here. It may be better to look at updates of the code.
- A computational physics book which you can find on the internet: Morten Hjorth-Jensen, “Computational Physics”, Univ. Oslo, 2007. There is also a 2011 dated lecture notes of it.
- A very good source of numerical methods with python codes: Jaan Kiusalaas, “Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python”, Cambridge, 2010.
Some thesis and dissertations about the subject:
- Jonathan Edward Moussa, “The Schrodinger-Poisson Self consistency in Layered Quantum Semiconductor Structures” M.Sc., Worchester Polytechnic Inst.,2003.
- Nuno Sucena Almeida, “Development of a Multi-physics Simulation Framework for Semiconductor Materials and Devices” M.Sc., Boston Univ., 2005.
- Jeffery Wayne Allen, “A Simulation Tool Suite for the Modelling and Optimization of Multiple Quantum Well Structures” The University of Texas at Arlington, 2005.
You can ask to Dr. Lisesivdin if you have problems with reaching to these references.
How to contribute
Discussion of the development takes place on development emaillist. We always welcome new developers. New developers can be added to emaillist after their first successful commits on our Github repository.
Usage of Github
All the changes and feature addings on the source code takes place on our Github Repository.
You need to learn how to use Git. Or you can use Github website for small changes and Github Desktop for easy usage
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Small Changes, minor addings
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